Reading and Language Arts Center

Developing professionals with leadership potential who are prepared to improve reading and language arts instruction in Connecticut’s schools

We believe in creating communities where all students read and write meaningful texts; all teachers engage students’ strength to address specific needs; all instruction integrates reading, writing, and language in all its forms; all curriculum includes the ethical assessment of development over time; and all educators engage in sustained professional learned about a range of instructional practices so that educators are fully equipped to teach all students.

Now Offering a Hybrid Cohort for the Literacy Specialist Program

This comprehensive graduate program addresses requirements for the #102: Remedial Reading Teacher and #097: Literacy Consultant endorsements with embedded clinical experiences and practiced-based inquiry. Our new hybrid course schedule allows you to:

  • Earn a reading endorsement in just 18 months.
  • Attend one in-person weekend a month at UConn Hartford.
  • Engage in weekly online discussions.

Apply by March 15 for Summer 2025 enrollment.

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Affiliated Graduate Programs

Douglas Kaufman.

Literacy Specialist Program

This comprehensive graduate program addresses requirements for the #102: Remedial Reading Teacher and #097: Literacy Consultant endorsements with embedded clinical experiences and practiced-based inquiry.

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A teacher works with two deaf students

Literacy & Deaf Education Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Literacy and Deaf Education is a 12-credit graduate certificate designed for educators who support the literacy development of deaf and hard of hearing students. Courses primarily meet online with several opportunities for face-to-face experiences throughout the year.

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A teacher crouches next to a student's desk

Educating Bilingual Learners Online Graduate Certificate

The Reading and Language Arts Center is affiliated with the Neag School of Education's 4-course, 12-credit, 100% online graduate certificate designed for practicing educators who wish to hone their skills in order to better support English Learners in schools.

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Recent Webinar

"Evaluating Cultural Responsiveness in Curriculum"

Featuring: Dr. Leah Q. Peoples

Recorded: May 18, 2023 at 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Summer Reading Guidance

Summer Reading PDF cover imageEngaging students in a summer reading program can be a challenge. Summer is an important and exciting time in students’ literacy development, but it can be tricky to fund, staff, and design exciting and engaging summer reading programs.

For creative strategies and fresh ideas you can use in designing your summer reading program, explore the top recommendations compiled by UConn’s Reading and Language Arts Center in collaboration with literacy leaders from across Connecticut.

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Dyslexia Awareness Month

Cover of a white paperThe Reading and Language Arts Center would like to share this memo during Dyslexia Awareness Month. It summarizes Neag School alum David Colberg's dissertation on inclusive teaching in higher education for students with dyslexia.

Adapted from Colberg, D. C. (2023). A Case Study on Enhancing the Equity, Engagement, and Academic Achievement of Dyslexic Learners in Higher Education (Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut).

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News & In the Media

Boxes of books.

Reading and Language Arts Center Champions Literacy Amid Pandemic


Rachael Gabriel leading a Teacher Leadership Academy exercise in 2016.

Is the Research Trustworthy? Learn to Think Like an Investigator


Michele Back.

Teacher Leadership Through Advocacy


Doug Kaufman serves as a panelist in 2016.

Reading and Language Arts Center Affiliated Faculty


Can we stop telling the ‘corona kids’ how little they are learning?





What if the coronavirus could change high school for the better?