
Literacy Specialist Programs

Applications for the Literary Specialist cohort beginning in MAY 2025 are open.  The deadline for consideration for the 2025 cohort is Friday, March 14, 2025.

Visit the Neag School's Certification webpages for information about the certification process after coursework is completed.

These comprehensive graduate programs addresses requirements for the 102: Remedial Reading Teacher and 097: Literacy Consultant endorsements with embedded clinical experiences and practiced-based inquiry. Our new hybrid course schedule allows you to:

  • Earn a reading endorsement in just 18 months.
  • Attend one in-person weekend a month at UConn Hartford.
  • Engage in weekly online discussions.

2023 and 2025 Cohort Schedules

Expand the dropdown menus below to see the required courses for each license.

102 License – Remedial Reading and Language Arts Teacher

Though specific position titles vary widely by school district, teachers who hold the 102 license are certified to be specialists providing and/or supporting expert and intensive reading instruction and intervention. Read more in UConn’s Graduate Catalog.

Plan of Study: Remedial Reading and Language Arts Teacher, Grades 1-12

Enrollees take at least one course in each column. Complete your plan of study.

Elementary Methods Secondary Methods Teaching Literature§ Clinic 1*  Clinic 2* Clinic 3* Content Area§ Individual Differences Writing
EDCI 5100 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Primary Grades EDCI 5135 Literacy in the Secondary School EDCI 5130 Teaching Children’s Literature in the Elementary School EDCI 5145 Classroom Assessment and Correction of Reading Difficulties EDCI 5150 Clinical Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties EDCI 5155 Advanced Reading / Language Arts Clinic EDCI 5140 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas EPSY 5108 Instruction for Students With Special Needs in the Mainstream EDCI 5110 Teaching Writing in the Elementary School, K-6
EDCI 5125 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Middle and Junior High School EDCI 5125 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Middle and Junior High School EDCI 5250 Teaching Literature to Adolescents EDCI 5120 Introductory Reading Clinic (Reading Recovery) EDCI 5120 Introductory Reading Clinic (Reading Recovery) EDCI 5080 Content Area Reading and Disciplinary Literacy EPSY 3110 Exceptionality EDCI 5105 Teaching the Language Arts
EDCI 5115 The Teaching of Reading      

§Teaching Literature and Content Area courses can be taken at any time.

*Clinic courses must be taken consecutively and cannot be taken before Methods courses.

097 License – Reading Consultant

Those who hold the 097 license are certified to design and supervise reading programs at the school or district level. The 097 license is an administrative license for those who have worked for at least one year as a Remedial Reading and Language Arts Teacher. Read more in UConn’s Graduate Catalog.

Plan of Study: Reading and Language Arts Consultant, #097

Enrollees take at least one course in each column. Complete your plan of study.

EDCI 5150 - Clinical Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties EDCI 5160 - Design, Management and Supervision of Reading Programs EDCI 5092 - Practicum
EDCI 5155 – Advanced Reading/Language Arts Clinic

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants

Those completing UConn's Literacy Specialist Programs as part of as master's degree are eligible to apply for a TEACH Grant through the federal government. The TEACH Grant is a federally-funded program created to help pay college costs for students completing a teacher preparation program. These grants are available to eligible graduate students who agree to serve as full-time teachers in specific high-need fields at a Title I school.

If students do not satisfy the conditions of the Agreement to Service, the TEACH Grant will convert to an unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan with interest accrual from the date of disbursement.

Please visit the Federal Student Aid website for more information.

Days Until the Application Deadline for the Spring 2025 Cohort
Ends On March 14, 2025

To Apply

  1. Complete the online application to the Graduate School

    • Select a Master's or Sixth Year Diploma in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction's  "Literacy Specialist" program if you are interested in pursuing the 102 license.
    • If you already hold the 102 license, select the Graduate Certificate in Literacy Leadership to complete coursework for the 097 license.
  2. Upload the following materials electronically into the online application:

    • Transcripts of all collegiate work completed to date, graduate and undergraduate - this must indicate a a course equivalent to EPSY5108: Teaching Students with Special Needs in the Mainstream, which is a prerequisite for this program
    • 2 Reference Letters
    • Personal Goal Statement
    • TOEFL (for international applicants whose native language is not English)
    • Resume/Vita
    • Evidence of K-12 or Other Relevant Teaching Experience

Graduate Certificate in Literacy Leadership

UConn's Neag School of Education program in Literacy Leadership is a 12-credit graduate certificate designed for educators interested in obtaining the 097 Reading and Language Arts Consultant certification.  Those who already hold a 102 license can apply for this advanced certificate focused on leadership that includes coursework leading to the 102.

Contact your advisor for information related to this certificate. *New in 2022.


Graduate Certificate in Literacy & Deaf Education

Click the image above for details or visit the Department of Curriculum and Instruction website.

Other Programs

The Center also is affiliated with degree programs in Bilingual and Bicultural Education at the master’s, sixth-year, and doctoral levels at UConn’s Neag School of Education.

For more information, please visit the Neag School’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction website.

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